Custom Training
Muskegon Community College’s Workforce Development offers training programs either at your company site or on our campus, at times coordinated with the schedules of your employees. We provide college credit classes that are employer-dedicated to serve your employees exclusively. Customized non-credit training can also be developed and delivered to meet your specific objectives. We work closely with you to assess your education, training, and/or retraining needs, then design and deliver customized training to fit those needs.
Training Areas
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Interface: Workspace, ribbon, project manager, graphics display pane, command line & marking menu
- AutoCAD Basics: 1 session for any drawing skills that aren’t part of AutoCAD Electrical
- Projects & Project Manager: Basics
- Titleblocks: Setup & update
- Templates
- Settings & Configurations
- Schematics I: References, components, wiring & wire numbers
- Schematics II: Cross references, cross reference updates, source destination signals & drawing audit
- Editing: Align, multiple insert, scoot, surfer, reverse/flip, swap/update block, etc.
- Panel Layouts: Basics + bi-directional updates between schematics & panel layout
- PLC Modules
- Reports: Automatically generate, save to external file &/or put on drawing (BOM, wire from/to, wire labels)
- Project-Wide Updates & Project Plotting/Publishing
Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
CNC Programming for MILL and Lathe
- CNC Definition, Concepts and Advantages
- CNC Machine Requirements & Types of machines
- CNC Input / Output and storage
- Types of CNC Controls
- Cartesian Control System
- Machine Axes X, Y, Z, A, B, C
- Establish Zero Point Location
- Types of G codes and types of M codes
- Absolute vs Incremental
- Part Setup and Tooling Setup
- Basic Program startup and Ending
- Overview of Print Reading and Programming to Print
- Speeds and Feeds Formulas
- Drilling Operations
- Canned Cycles
- Milling a part using tool Center point
- Milling a part using Cutter Comp
- Work Holding Methods and Programming around them
- Optional Stops in a program
- Subroutines and Subprograms
- CNC Lathe Axis and Programming
- Diameter vs Radius programming
- CNC Lathe Canned Cycles
- Overview of CAM systems on programming
Participants will learn how to safely run, identify, and troubleshoot the electrical components and power sources that operators routinely encounter on a manufacturing line.
- Identify and explain basic electrical components and their interactions
- Demonstrate where the electrical switches and sources are on the manufacturing line, given the proper diagrams for different sources of electricity
- Identify where the electrical panel is tor the manufacturing line
- Identify basic electrical components and their interaction in a circuit
- Recognize different over currents, such as short circuits, ground faults and overloads
- Utilize troubleshooting guidelines to identify which components of the manufacturing line will cause a power outage and what to do in case of a power outage
- Use Safety guidelines to follow the safety rules and regulations surrounding the electrical components of the manufacturing line
- Describe techniques to help prevent failures of electrical components
- Effectively communicate line malfunction issues with an Electrician
Participants will learn how to safely measure, identify, connect, and troubleshoot electrical components, systems, and power sources that are common in an industrial or manufacturing environment.
- Identify and explain basic electrical components and their interactions
- Demonstrate where the electrical switches and sources are on the manufacturing line, given the proper diagrams for different sources of electricity
- Understand panel layout and interconnections
- Recognize faults such as over-current, ground fault, and overloads
- Utilize troubleshooting techniques and guidelines to find faults effectively
- Utilize safety guidelines, rules, and regulations for electrical systems
- Develop failure-prevention techniques for components and systems
- Effectively communicate electrical issues with an Electrician
- Basic engine theory and operation
- Distribution of handouts that lists all parts for identification and determination of purpose
- Instructions for disassembly and component identification
- Allow attendees to view “old” motor including all parts that are already broken down
- Engine disassembly and component identification
- All group members to report on differences identified when comparing the “old” and “new” motor parts. Discussion to include the following content: how the parts are made, changes in specifications, changes in materials, changes in weight, changes in design, etc.
- Class discussion to compare and contrast “old” and “new” engines
- Creating a Basic Worksheet
- Performing Calculations
- Modifying a Worksheet
- Formatting a Worksheet
- Printing Workbook Contents
- Managing Large Workbooks
- Presenting Data Using Charts
- Calculating Data
- Organizing Worksheet and Table Data
- Analyzing Data Using PivotTables and PivotCharts
- Inserting Graphic Objects (Logo)
- Presenting Data Using Charts
- Streamlining Workflow
- Auditing Worksheets
- Analyzing Data
- Working with Multiple Workbooks
- Importing and Exporting Data
- Collaborating with Others (brief overview)
Fuji Automatic Numerical Control (FANUC)
- Fundamental programming commands
- Safety
- Absolute / Relative motion
- Coordinate systems
- Joint
- Tool
- User
- Modes
- Teach mode
- Jog mode
- Run mode
- Timing
- Home positioning
- Speed / accuracy
- Preventative maintenance
- Programming, testing, running
- Backing-up and recalling programs
- Control of end-of-arm tooling
- Mastering
Fluid Power
Participants will study basic fluid power laws and principles, force, work and power as related to fluid power, the differences/similarities between pneumatic, hydraulic and vacuum systems.
- Identify the purpose and advantages of a fluid power system
- Identify the compressibility/no-compressibility of gases and liquids
- Read and report pressure and vacuum gauge scaling in psig, bars, in Hg and MM Hg
- Determine the best operating range for gauges
- Identify the construction type and explain the operating principles of various types of directional control valves
- Demonstrate the application of force, work and power as applied to fluid power
- Evaluate and report pressure gauge conditions in a fluid power system under operation conditions; fluid flow at various loads and under dead head conditions
- Identify the conditions necessary to develop pressure in a column of fluid
- Identify the conditions necessary to develop a vacuum in a fluid power system
- Diagnose problems with fluid power systems and recommend preventative or corrective actions
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD & T)
- General tolerancing—tolerance, limits, specified dimension, maximum material condition, least material condition, extreme form variation, clearance fit, allowance, interference fit.
- Symbols and terms—geometric characteristic symbols, material condition symbols, datum feature symbol, feature control frame, basic dimension symbol, dimensioning symbols.
- Datums—datum feature symbol presentation, datum features, high point contact, datum reference frame, datum axis, partial datums, datum center plane.
- Material condition and material boundary symbols—maximum material condition and maximum material boundary, regardless of feature size and regardless of material boundary, least material condition and least material boundary, applications.
- Geometric characteristics—straightness, flatness, circularity, cylindricity, profile, parallelism, perpendicularity, angularity, runout, combination of geometric characteristics.
- Positional tolerancing—conventional tolerancing vs. positional tolerancing, floating fasteners, fixed fasteners, location of multiple features, positional tolerance at MMC, zero positional tolerance, virtual condition, projected tolerance zone, composite positional tolerance, two single-segment feature control frame, concentricity, symmetry.
International Organization for Standardization and International Automotive Task Force (ISO & IATF)
Lean and Quality
MMTC-West has a variety of products and services including:
- Assessment tools
- Growth and Innovation
- Continuous Improvement (Lean) Solutions
- Quality and Safety Management
- Environmental, Health, and Safety Solutions
MMTC literature and consultation is available upon request.
Basic Machining
- Industrial safety
- Precision measuring
- Common operation of basic tools including: pedestal grinder, drill press, lathe, vertical milling machine, horizontal milling machine, and surface grinder
- CNC machining and other advanced metalworking methods
Intermediate Machining
- Capabilities of drilling, turning, milling, and grinding machines
- Precision and quality
- Connections to manufacturing
Advanced Machining
- Advanced machine tool operation
- Advanced grinding
- Equipment used to include: EDM, Surface Grinder, and Numerical Control Machine, Lathe, Mill
Participants will learn the fundamental principles of safe mechanical work practices, methods of maintaining and troubleshooting mechanical plant equipment and the competencies needed to recognize and re[ort worn part conditions.
- Demonstrate basic mechanical skills
- Identify and report equipment malfunctions
- Follow established safety procedures when around machinery/equipment
- Use a systematic team problem solving approach
- Develop and use a safety checklist and follow cleanliness standards
- Describe the concept of action/reaction
- Identify pinch and shear points and potential energy sources
- Describe importance of sprocket and chain alignment
- Describe safety issues related to chain and sprocket alignment
- Explain why there is a difference in importance between belt alignment and chain alignment
- Evaluate mechanical timing issues
- Determine difference and similarities between mechanical and electronic timing
- Identify the action/reaction relationships that effect timing
- Apply critical thinking methodology to timing systems
- Evaluate components that are worn and interpret the effects on related systems
Mechatronics/Integrated Systems
Participants will learn how to safely work with integrated systems that include mechanical, electrical, and control components.
- Safety
- Mechanical systems
- Electrical systems
- Power
- Hard-wired controls
- Automated controls
- Control systems
- PLCs
- Robotics
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
- Communications
- Driven devices
- Servo motors
- Linear actuators
- Pneumatic equipment
- Hydraulic equipment
- Ball screws
- Stepper motors
- Sensors
- Inductive
- Photoeyes
- Capacitive
- Ultra-sonic
- Limit switches
- Safety devices
- Motion sensors
- Dewpoint
- Pressure
- Troubleshooting
- Schematics
- Maintenance
- Terminology
- Use precision and semi-precision instruments to inspect part dimensions and functional test requirements
- Understand the relationship between dimensional metrology and the quality
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of basic concepts of dimensional metrology as they apply to terminology, methodology and application of common measuring instruments used for inspection of part dimension and functional test requirements
- Perform simple calibration checks and the setting of measuring instruments
- Select and use appropriate measurement techniques and instruments
- Describe measurements’ role in manufacturing
- Distinguish between direct and calculated measurements
- Illustrate measurement differences when taken with calibrated and non-calibrated instruments
- Match appropriate measurements tools with various tool usage
- Convert between US and metric measurement systems
- Interpret results of measurements and calculations
- Fundamental programming commands
- Safety
- Absolute / Relative motion
- Coordinate systems
- Joint
- Tool
- User
- Modes including teach, jog, and run modes
- Timing
- Home positioning
- Speed / accuracy
- Preventative maintenance
- Programming, testing, running
- Backing-up and recalling programs
- Control of end-of-arm tooling
Print Reading
Participants will learn drafting and blueprint reading procedures, alphabet of lines, auxiliary views, assembly drawings, title blocks, drawing changes and standard symbols. Emphasis is placed on actual industrial conditions and hands-on applications.
- Information found on a drawing
- The universal language of a drawing
- Define basic blueprint terminology
- Title Block and Revision Block including identification of essential components
- Verify control plan to revision symbol
- Multiview Drawings
- Identify the names of the three basic and the six primary orthographic views
- Identify the positions of the six primary orthographic views
- The difference between 1st and 3rd angle projection
- Identify types of lines with a drawing
- Dimensioning including symbols and identifying conventional dimensioning
- Identify datum dimensioning
- Tolerancing and Types of tolerances
- Section View Drawings
- Identify types and locations of section views
- Auxiliary Views including identification and location
- Identify the two types of notes
- Interpret commonly used abbreviations and terminology
- Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
Programmable Controllers
Participants will learn how to safely move, maintain, troubleshoot, program, and communicate with Allen-Bradley PLCs. This will be hands-on using actual sensors, motors, and other input and output devices. May include MicroLogix using Studio 5000 and SLC using RSLogix. Also may include PanelView using FactoryTalk View.
- Safety
- PLC functionality
- Key PLC terminology
- Input signals and sensors
- Output signals and devices
- Fundamental programming commands
- Troubleshooting simple control systems
- Prevention of common PLC and instrumentation failures
- Security
- Backup/Recovery
- Advanced programming commands
- Math functions
- Sequencing
- Boolean functions
- PID controls (closed loop systems)
- Alarming and status information
- Communications
- External interfaces
- Advanced programming techniques
- Effective use of subroutines
- Indirect addressing
- Master/Slave control systems
- Communication handshaking
- Reporting
- Network controls of motor drives, robots, other devices
- Remote programming and monitoring
- Interfacing with Graphic Displays (MMIs, HMIs)
- Graphic Displays (PanelView)
- Display functionality
- Fundamental setup and programming commands
- Display object configuration
- Buttons, numeric readouts, graphic readouts, trends, graphic images
- Alarming
- Multi-page functionality
- Security
- Backup/Recovery
Programmable Logic Controls (PLC)
Participants will learn what a PLC is, observe its operation, usage, applications, hardware selection, and configuration and be introduced to programming examples and troubleshooting techniques.
- Describe how a PLC functions
- Identify, define key PLC terminology
- Describe different types of signals that go into a PLC
- Describe how to troubleshoot a simple control system that uses a PLC
- Identify how to prevent common, simple PLC and instrumentation failures
Robotics (Industrial Robotics)
Participants will learn how to safely move, maintain, troubleshoot, program, and communicate with six-axis robots. May include Fanuc, Yaskawa-Motoman, and ABB.
- Safety
- Fundamental programming commands
- Absolute/Relative motion
- Coordinate systems
- Operation modes
- Timing
- Home positioning
- Speed/Accuracy
- Preventative maintenance
- Programming, testing, running
- Back-up/Recovery
- End-of-Arm tooling and control
- Mastering
- Vision
- Lighting
- Communications
Shop Math
Participants will be equipped with the basic arithmetic skills to be successful in a production role in a manufacturing environment. Participants will have a basic understanding of problem solving through computations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios, percent, and the ability to implement the appropriate order of operation.
- Introduction to Shop Math
- Apply basic math functions to solve workplace problem
- Calculate percentage, rate, ratio, decimal, and proportion with and without the use of a calculator
- Create and interpret basic graphs and charts used in manufacturing
- Perform basic arithmetic functions
- Make reasonable estimates of arithmetic results without the use of a calculator
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide four digit numbers without the use of a calculator
- Real world applications
- Review of all subject matters and post-evaluation
SolidWorks classes are offered as beginners (Fundamentals of 3D Modeling and Part Drawing Creation), intermediate (Fundamentals of Assembly Modeling and creation of Assembly Drawings) and advance (Advanced Topics SolidWorks including Finite Element Analysis)
Fundamentals of 3D Modeling
- Fundamentals of 3D modeling
- Parametric vs. non-parametric models
- SolidWorks file types; templates
- SolidWorks drawing interface
- Reference planes; orthographic projection
- Sketched vs. feature-based creation of 3D parametric models
- Sketching, constraining, dimensioning
- Creating/modifying base features including specialized holes
- Extrude and Revolve Features
- Sweep and Loft
Fundamentals of Drawing Creation
- Drawing templates and sheet formats
- Orthographic projection of 2D drawing views
- Base/projected/auxiliary/section/detail views
- Center marks and centerlines
- Creating custom title blocks
- Detail Drawings
- Drawing dimensioning
- Drawing Tolerancing and Annotations
Fundamentals of Assembly Modeling
- Parts Library (FeatureLibrary)
- Assembly constraints (SmartMates)
- Advanced and Mechanical Mates
- Drawings with Bill of Materials
- Exploded View Assemblies
- Toolbox (Library for standard components)
- Motion Study
Advanced Topics SolidWorks
- Sheet Metal Design
- Equations, Configurations and Design Tables
- 3D Sketching Basics
- Surfaces
- Weldments
- Mold Design
- Blocks
- FEA (Finite Element Analysis), Animation and Simulation
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Participants will learn the principles and application of statistical process control tools as commonly used on the shop floor. Participants will determine when SPC is appropriate, what type of SPC tool should be used in a particular situation, and how to monitor the process and interpret the results. Simple problem solving and data analysis techniques will also be applied.
- Define SPC
- Identify the relationship between SPC steps and specific production processes
- Analyze production specific processes
- Collect, analyze and interpret process test data for compliance to specifications
- Improve production process (if indicated by analysis of data)
- Demonstrate the ability to apply SPC techniques in the workplace
- Welding fundamentals and terms of welding information, welding certification discussion, SMAW (Stick) welding process fundamentals, Use oxyfuel cutting torch or hand held plasma, Use of hand held right angle grinder, Use tape measure and square, E6010 electrodes.
- Using E-6010 1/8” diameter electrodes, produce lap and/or butt joint weldments in vertical (3F), and overhead (4F) positions on 3/16”, ¼” and 3/8” carbon steel plates.
- Using an oxyacetylene cutting torch/Using a hand held plasma cutting torch to cut plate, angle iron and/or uni-strut material.
- Using a right angle grinder with a cut-off wheel to cut angle iron and/or uni-strut material.
- Fabricate on a bench/floor, a typical bracket assembly using ¼” x 2” X 2” angle iron or uni-strut materials.
- Fabricate in position, a typical bracket assembly using ¼” x 2” X 2” angle iron or uni-strut materials. Work in pairs to facilitate construction (fitter/welder)
For more information contact

Associate Dean of Workforce & Talent Development
Sturrus Technology Center
Phone: 231-777-0456