Health & Physical Education & Recreation

Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Closed Friday During Summer:
Overview of Health & Physical Education & Recreation
The mission of the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Department at Muskegon Community College is to improve our community’s overall wellness through educational opportunity and guided activity. Our department is focused on creating lifelong learners and providing vocational training and transfer pathways for all students.
Fast Facts:
- The HPER department employs 15 instructors (2 full time and 14 adjunct)
- Class sizes typically range between 12-28 students
- In a typical year the HPER department serves around 1350 students
- 34 different classes are offered
- 12 classes are offered online
- Some classes meet off campus and allow for you to explore the local community (archery, billiards, beach volleyball, bowling, cycling, golf, and kayaking)
The Health, Physical Education and Recreation Department is committed to increasing local health outcomes. In recent years, and with the opportunities MCC HPER department has provided community members, we are trending in the right direction. Muskegon is ranked among Michigan’s least healthy counties in MI (70th out of 83 via 2022 data).
Physical Education is required as part of the Associate in Science and Art (ASA) degree at Muskegon Community College.
Students choose from 1 of 2 options:
For General Populations:
Complete PEA 101A Fitness, Wellness and Nutrition (Multiple Formats)
Any (PEA) activity class of choice (weight training, walking/jogging, yoga, tai chi, golf, basketball, archery, kayaking, judo… etc). Students are encouraged to select something they enjoy or want to explore in more detail. (Multiple Formats)
For Exercise Science Majors:
Complete PEA 121 Human Movement Science (Online 3 credits)
The HPER department at Muskegon Community College would love to support you financially on your educational journey. We offer an Achievement Based Scholarship specific to our area of study. Although we prefer Exercise Science and Public Health majors to apply, the scholarship is open to all students.
Scholarship Details:
Award Amount: Varies.
- Students who demonstrate a particular creative talent or a high level of achievement in Health, Physical Education & Recreation.
- This scholarship is not need based.
- Complete required essay
- 2.00 overall GPA
- 3.00 GPA in the performance area.
- Maintain a full time status at MCC.
- Attend courses in Health, Physical Education & Recreation each semester awarded.
- Renewable up to 62 credits.
- Two recommendations.
Past recipients include:
- Josie Bos
- John Gillies
- Sophia Grimmer
- Lia Maggini
- Hunter Nelson
- Ally Rypma
- Jonathan Henry
- Joshua Hilliard
- Max Olmstead
- Nolan Perrin
- Shane Thompson
- Caprice Wallace
- Artrese Williams
- Aisha Ahmad
- Tyus Beach
- Cole Charlesworth
- Sergio Diaz
- Chad Rensie
- Samantha Taylor
- Kalisa Williams
- John Corey
- Katherine Duplissis
- Allysa Henderson
- Brooke Hodges
- Ben Fales
- Lindsey Greer
- Megan Romkema
- Kellsie Rypma
- Kaylie Caverly
- Brittany D’avignon
- Haley Maser
- Nicholas Decouto
- Katie McKinnon
- Brooke Agers
- Derek Rogers
- Brett Merriman
- Nicole Walsworth