Workforce Development
Providing Educational Resources for the Future
The Muskegon Lakeshore area has a long history of creating prosperity for residents through meaningful employment. Workforce Development works to continue this proud tradition.
Hot Jobs Applied Technology
Workforce Development Mission
Increased productivity goes hand in hand with a well trained workforce. Muskegon Community College will help you meet the challenge of global and local competition by working with you to develop a variety of cost-effective, flexible programming to meet your talent needs.
Workforce Development Services
Workforce Development Training Grants (Test Drive the Trades)
Customized Training and Workforce Development
Muskegon Community College’s Workforce Development offers training programs either at your company site or on our campus, at times coordinated with the schedules of your employees. We provide college credit classes that are employer-dedicated to serve your employees exclusively. Customized non-credit training can also be developed and delivered to meet your specific objectives. We work closely with you to assess your education, training, and/or retraining needs, then design and deliver customized training to fit those needs.
College Credit Courses and Training
MCC has numerous academic and technical for credit course offerings that may be of interest to employers and employees within the business community.
Sponsor Authorizations
Employer/Agency Sponsors have been developed to aid employers who send their employees to MCC for education or training. This makes the process easier for an employer, or agency to get an employee enrolled and their educational expenses billed.
Job Postings
Are you looking for qualified candidates for your job openings? Visit our Career Services Office and post your job openings today.
Your business can take advantage of skilled, motivated students who will receive experience in their field of study through MCC’s internship program.
Teaching the next generation skills and knowledge in a formal training atmosphere for employees of area companies.
Business Resource Team
Comprised of almost 20 Muskegon County partners, the Business Resource Team (BRT) can assist with a vast array of your business needs such as recruitment, human resources information, procurement, tax abatements, growth and training. BRT informational video is linked above.
Funding for Training and Talent Recruitment
West MI Works! is a Business Resource Team partner. They offer a variety of services including talent recruitment and their Business Solution Representatives have access to potential funding for training and apprenticeships.
Michigan New Job Training Program
Designed as an economic development tool, the Michigan New Jobs Training Program allows community colleges to provide free training for employers that are creating new jobs and/or expanding operations in Michigan. The training for the newly hired workers is paid by capturing the state income tax associated with the new employees’ wages. This is a local program – individual community colleges work directly with employers and local economic development to support job creation.
Manufacturing Skills Standard Council (MSSC) Assessments
The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), a 501(c)3 non-profit, is an industry-led, training, assessment and certification system focused on the core skills and knowledge needed by the nation’s front-line production and material handling workers. The nationwide MSSC System, based upon industry-defined and federally-endorsed standards, offers both entry-level and incumbent workers the opportunity to demonstrate that they have acquired the skills increasingly needed in the technology-intensive jobs of the 21st century.
MCC Sturrus Technology Center
The Carolyn I. and Peter Sturrus Technology Center, which opened for classes during the Fall 2017 semester, is a 75,000 square foot renovated facility that was the former home to the Muskegon Chronicle and the Masonic Temple. The Center houses MCC’s Applied Technology programs in CAD, Electronics/Automation, Engineering, Machining, Metal Casting, Materials, and Welding. The Center also encompasses the Rooks|Sarnicola Entrepreneur Institute with its state-of-the-art Richard and Ann Kraft Rapid Prototype Center and the Lakeshore Fab Lab, with 3-D printers, mini-mills, robotics, laser etching and vinyl making capabilities for entrepreneurs to create and test their ideas. In June 2015, local developer Jonathan Rooks donated the 23,790 square-foot former Masonic Temple to MCC for its Entrepreneurial Studies program and related business-generating activities. Nick Sarnicola, a West Michigan native and highly successful entrepreneur, and his wife, Ashley, then created a $200,000 permanent endowment through their Next Gen Foundation to the Foundation for Muskegon Community College to support an annual $10,000 cash award for the best business idea generated by an MCC entrepreneurial program graduate. MCC received a $4.1 million grant to purchase equipment for educational programs in high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand occupations. The College earmarked most of those funds, part of the statewide $50 million Community College Skilled Trades Equipment Program, to buy equipment for the Sturrus Technology Center. The widespread regional support for the Sturrus Technology Center includes many named areas within the building.
Foreign Language
Need an interpreter or want to improve your language skills to build your business relationships? MCC can provide classes/translation services in French, German and Spanish.
Workforce Development Staff

Dean of Academic Affairs
Sturrus Technology Center Room 224B
Phone: 231-777-0569

Associate Dean of Workforce & Talent Development
Sturrus Technology Center
Phone: 231-777-0456