Student records

Overview of Student records
The Student Records Department at Muskegon Community College manages student transcripts, enrollment verification, and graduation processing, ensuring the accuracy and confidentiality of academic records.
- Student Records Forms
- Degree Verification
- Enrollment Verification
- Update Residency
- Update Personal Information
Student Forms
- MCC Add/Drop Form
- Credit for Industry-Recognized Credentials Application
- Directory Information Non-Disclosure
- Enrollment Verification Request
- FERPA Authorization to Release
- FERPA Retraction
- Life Experience Assessment Program (LEAP)
- Letter of Recommendation Permission
- Petition and Tuition Refund Appeal
- Preferred Name Request
- Student Personal Data Change Request
Degree Verification
Muskegon Community College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted at:
Mail: National Student Clearinghouse
13454 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
Enrollment Verification/Loan Deferment
Muskegon Community College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse as our agent for providing enrollment verifications for enrollment on or after Fall 2007. Please visit the link below pertaining to the type of verification you are requesting.
All Other Enrollment Verifications
Contact Information for the National Student Clearinghouse
Phone: (703) 742-4200
Fax: (703) 472-4239
To change your residency, please submit a completed Student Personal Data Change Request with required documentation as listed on the form and/or below to the Office of the Registrar in one of the following ways:
1. Email to from your MCC email
2. Fax to 231-777-0209
3. In person at the Student Welcome Center on the main campus
4. By mail to:
Registrar’s Office
Muskegon Community College
221 South Quarterline Road
Muskegon, MI 49442
Note: A valid picture form of identification (driver’s license, state ID, or passport) must accompany all requests.
Residency Policy:
Determination of residency status is governed by the following:
- To qualify as an in-district resident, you must have lived within the confines of Muskegon County for six consecutive months prior to the first day of classes for any semester.
- To qualify as an out-of-district resident, you must have lived within the confines of the State of Michigan for six consecutive months prior to the first day of classes for any semester. If you have previously registered as a nonresident you may change to in-district resident status upon satisfying the requirements above. When recently married you shall be deemed an in-district or Michigan resident if your spouse satisfies the requirements above. Initial residency status shall be determined by the Enrollment Services Office.
It is your responsibility to notify the Registrar’s Office/Student Welcome Center, prior to the first day of classes for any semester, of any change in residence that would affect your residency classification. THE BURDEN OF PROOF LIES WITH YOU, THE STUDENT. The above applies only to American citizens, permanent residents and refugees. Required documentation is listed below. All documentation must have the address and required dates listed.
Your residency change request must include your Michigan driver’s license or state ID showing the address at least six months prior to the start of the semester being requested to change. Additionally, you must include a copy of one of the following documents:
- voter identification
- property lease
- vehicle registration
- utility bill
- vehicle insurance certificate
- property tax receipt
Note: All documents must have the student’s name and indication of the Muskegon County address in addition to the date the address began.
Muskegon Community College recognizes that many members of our community use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. As long as the use of a different name is not for the purposes of misrepresentation, the College agrees a student or employee may choose to identify themselves within the College’s information systems with a preferred first name in addition to their legal name.
To change your name, address, and/or phone number, please submit the Student Personal Data Change Request Form, complete the sections as directed and submit the form and required documents by email to (from your MCC email account), by fax to 231-777-0209, or by mail to:
Registrar’s Office 221 South Quarterline Road Muskegon, MI 49442
If submitting this request by fax, mail, or a non-MCC email account, you must include a copy of your government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, state ID, or passport).
NOTE for legal name changes: A copy of your signed social security card is required for all MCC student workers.
To change your preferred name, please download, complete, and submit the Muskegon Community College Preferred Name Request Form and required documents to:
Student Welcome Center
221 South Quarterline Road
Muskegon, MI 49442
Click here to download the Muskegon Community College Preferred Name Request Form
Please bring photo ID to verify legal name.
Please note that a preferred name may be used in the following places:
- MyMCC Student and Employee Display Name
- BlackBoard
- Official College Email and Username
- Class Rosters
- Employee Badge and Student Worker Badge (there is a nominal fee for a new badge)
Please note that a legal first name is used in the following places:
- Financial Aid
- Billing and Student Accounts
- MyMCC One Card (also serves as Library Card)
- Tax Forms
- Responses to Enrollment Verification Inquiries
- Official Transcripts
- US Postal Mail
- College Legal Documents and College Reports
**To make a legal name change, please complete the Student Personal Data Change Request at the Welcome Center**