Title IX

Sexual Violence and Harassment

Commitment to Our Campus Community

Muskegon Community College is committed to developing and sustaining a healthy, learning and working environment that recognizes the value of each individual. MCC advances a safe, pleasant and respectful culture for all, free from sexual violence and sexual harassment as well as dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. At MCC such behaviors are forms of sexual discrimination and are not tolerated and are prohibited by College policy and the law.

If you have experienced sexual violence, it’s not your fault. Sexual violence occurs when a person ignores or denies someone else’s wishes through violent sexual means. No one ever asks to be raped or sexually assaulted. Even if you had too much to drink, or used drugs, or froze and did not fight back, or said “yes” to one type of sexual intimacy but not to what happened – you are not to blame for harm being done to you.

The Law

Title IX  (1972)
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. “

Sexual harassment and sexual violence is prohibited in the education context by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; in the employment context by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; and Section 304 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.

At MCC, survivors of sexual misconduct shall have the right to:

  • Receive prompt and survivor-sensitive cooperation of campus personnel for recommendations of obtaining, securing and maintaining evidence, including recommendations to receive a medical examination at a local emergency room when necessary to preserve evidence;
  • Expect notification from campus personnel of your options to prevent further unwanted contact by alleged assailants, including issuing of “no contact” orders and changing academic and on-campus working schedules, provided such changes are available;
  • Receive information describing options to pursue a criminal complaint with the appropriate law enforcement agency, to pursue the College’s disciplinary process, or to pursue both processes simultaneously;
  • Be notified of existing campus and community-based medical, counseling, mental health, and student services for survivors of sexual assault, whether or not the assault is formally reported to campus or civil authorities;
  • Be informed of the right to confidential or anonymous testing for sexually transmitted infections, HIV,
    and pregnancy;
  • Be free from any threat of retaliation or other attempt to prevent the reporting of sexual misconduct;
  • Be notified of the opportunity to identify witnesses and other evidence to the College investigation and resolution process, information about procedures, and written notice of the outcome in a manner equivalent to the process of the accused;
  • Have a support person of choice accompany them throughout the disciplinary process. While a support person is there to support, they may not speak for you or act as your legal counsel;
  • Be informed in a timely fashion (60 days) of the outcome of the process concurrently with the accused;
    Have the right to appeal the outcome.

Campus Reporting

The College can only respond to allegations of sexual harassment or sexual violence that are reported to campus authorities. Anyone who believes they have experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct or related retaliation is encouraged to report such behavior promptly. If in doubt, please report. Reporting to the College does not mean you have to report to local authorities, but you have the option to report to local authorities. MCC can assist with reporting to the proper law enforcement agency. Anonymous reports for victims of sexual misconduct can be submitted below. Please note that MCC’s response will be limited without the reporter’s information.

Reports may be made to MCC Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Deputy Coordinators (listed below under Campus Resources) or to Campus Safety.

Confidential reporting is only available when reporting to MCC counseling staff when you may not want to trigger an investigation.

Other Support Systems and Advocates

There are plenty of trustworthy people at MCC who want to support you and can point you in the right direction. They can be mentors, faculty and/or staff. However, it is important for you to remember they cannot guarantee confidentiality.


MCC prohibits retaliation against individuals who engage in reporting a complaint of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating or domestic violence, and/or stalking. Retaliatory behavior is regarded as additional misconduct and may lead to increased sanctions.

As always, in the case of an emergency call 911 to reach the Police Department.


Campus Resources

Jason Cooper

Dean of College Services & Athletic Director

Human Resources


Kristine Anderson

Chief Human Resources Officer

Human Resources


Tonette Brown-Garner

Evening College Services Coordinator



Patti D’Avignon

Dean of Student Services


Donielle Nichols

Director of Human Resources

Human Resources

Muskegon Community College


Medical Care Close to Campus

Muskegon Emergency Department at Trinity Health Muskegon Hospital

1500 E. Sherman Boulevard (Near US-31)

Grand Haven Emergency Department at Trinity Health Grand Haven Hospital

All emergency centers open 24/7. Call 911 for local police or emergency care.

1309 Sheldon Road

Community Resources

Every Woman’s Place for Domestic or Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking


Walk-In Services: 1221 W. Laketon Avenue

24-Hour Crisis Line: (231)722-3333

Office Hours:

Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm

Grand Haven Center for Women in Transition (Holland and Grand Haven)

Crisis Line: (616) 392- 1970

Grand Haven Satellite Office Please call ahead for appointment

300 North Ferry Street, Suite C

Newaygo County Women’s Information Service Inc. Phone: (231) 796-6692

Crisis: (231) 796-6600

Kent County YMCA West Central Michigan Phone: (616) 459-7092 ext. 515

Fax (616) 459-5423

Legal Advocacy Personal Protection Orders and Legal Advocate Michael E. Kobza Hall of Justice

990 Terrace Street, 4th Floor

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