Disability Support Services


Disability Support Services is committed to providing reasonable accommodations and services to qualified students with disabilities. This commitment is consistent with the legal requirements set by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to individuals with disabilities.

Services Offered


Academic accommodation includes access to auxiliary aids and assistive technology.

Academic accommodations are adjustments intended to remove disability-related barriers impacting a student’s access to learning. Determining reasonable accommodations is an interactive process between the DSS office and the student. Accommodations are individualized based on the student’s disability-related needs.

Counseling and Advising Services for DSS Students

Students who register with the DSS office should receive their counseling and advising services through the DSS office. The DSS counselor provides comprehensive counseling services to DSS students including academic advising, career counseling, and short-term personal counseling. Small group counseling may also be available. All MCC counselors are Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) or Limited Licensed Counselors (LLCs) in the State of Michigan. All personal counseling information shared with your DSS counselor is kept strictly confidential except in cases where counselors are legally required to disclose information as outlined in the MCC Counseling Informed Consent Form.

Click HERE for more information.

Click HERE for MCC’s Counseling And Advising Department.

Perkins V Occupational Grant

The Perkins V Occupational Grant provides financial assistance to eligible students who are enrolled in occupational programs at MCC and who are experiencing economic difficulties.

Qualifying Requirements:

Identify as an occupational student as defined by one of the following:

  • The student is formally enrolled in an occupational program as identified by the curriculum code (see list of eligible occupational programs on page 2); or
  • The student has declared an intent or commitment through a career assessment to formally enroll in an occupational program; or
  • The student has enrolled in a general occupational course or apprenticeship-related instruction for the purpose of job training.

AND identify with one of the following groups:

  • Individuals with disabilities;
  • Individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults;
  • Individuals preparing for non-traditional fields (see non-traditional program list on page 2);
  • Single parents, including single pregnant people;
  • Out-of-workforce individuals;
  • English language learners;
  • Homeless individuals as described in section 725 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C., 11434a);
  • Youth who are in, or who have aged out of, the foster care system.

For more information about the Perkins Grant and how to apply, please email

mccdss@muskegoncc.edu or call 231-777-0309.

Apply for Services

Steps to Apply

Students must first be admitted to MCC before applying for services through the DSS office. Admitted students should complete the following steps to apply for services:

STEP 1: Complete an Application for Services

  • Click here to access the online application.

STEP 2: Submit Documentation of Disability

  • Documentation can either be uploaded as part of your Application for Services, or you may email it separately to mccdss@muskegoncc.edu or fax it to 231-777-0446

STEP 3: Meet with the DSS Counselor

  • Meet with the DSS counselor for assistance planning classes that align with your degree requirements, transfer plans, and/or career goals.
  • Schedule a DSS counseling/advising appointment online through your MyMCC portal or by calling 231-777-0309.

STEP 4: Meet with the DSS Specialist

  • Meet with the Disability Specialist for assistance in determining accommodations.
    • Schedule a DSS accommodation appointment online through your MyMCC portal or by calling 231-777-0309.

Documentation Guidelines


Autism Spectrum Disorders

Hearing Disabilities

Learning Disabilities

Medical Disabilities

Physical Disabilities

Psychiatric or Psychological Disabilities

Temporary Conditions

Here are some other things to think about regarding documentation:

  • Diagnostic testing for a disability is the responsibility of the student
  • Cost of the documentation is the responsibility of the student
  • MCC can require additional documentation if they feel what has been provided is not sufficient.
  • MCC reserves the right to deny services or accommodations pending receipt of documentation.
  • Documentation of a disability is stored separately from academic records and should be emailed or faxed directly to Disability Support Services.
  • Documentation is maintained for five years after a students last date of attendance. After five years of non-attendance at MCC, all documents will be destroyed in a confidential manner.

Professional Disclosure


Disability Support Services is committed to ensuring that a student’s disability-related information is kept strictly confidential.

Accommodation letters will be provided directly to students from the DSS office and not to instructors. If a student chooses to use their approved accommodation, it is the student’s responsibility to provide their instructor with their accommodation letter. Accommodation letters contain information regarding the accommodations a student requires and do not include information regarding a student’s diagnosis.

Equal Opportunity & Non-Discrimination

Policy Statement

Muskegon Community College is committed to ensuring that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall be either excluded from or denied access to participation in academics, or any program, service, or activity offered by the college.

Qualified individuals with disabilities have the right to request and will receive reasonable accommodation based on their needs in order to fully participate in or benefit from academic instruction, or any other program, service, or activity offered by the college.

Reason for This Policy
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as Amended (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require that MCC provide appropriate academic and programmatic accommodations to student with disabilities unless doing so would create an undue hardship, compromise the health and safety of members of the campus community, or fundamentally alter the nature of the college’s employment or academic mission.

Entities Affected by This Policy
All MCC faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the campus.

Click here to view MCC’s Equal Opportunity Policy.

Grievance Procedure

Click here to view MCC’s grievance procedure.

Location: MCC Main Building Room 2046
Email: mccdss@muskegoncc.edu
Phone: 231-777-0309
Hours: M-TH: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., F: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Jordan Wolfe

Faculty – Counselor – Disability Support Services

Counseling & Advising


Donella Cooper

Disability Support Services Specialist


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