Debt Forgiveness Program

Former Muskegon Community College students, who have financial holds up to $1,200 with MCC and who have not been enrolled at MCC for three or more academic years, are being encouraged to re-enroll under an initiative called the MCC Debt Forgiveness Program.

“The main goal of this debt forgiveness initiative is to get former MCC students, who have left because of a debt owed to the college, to return so that they can graduate with a credential,” added MCC Provost/Executive Vice President John Selmon, adding that  qualified students may be eligible to have their debt forgiven,.

Eligible students must:

Students who agree to this contract and fulfill it will have their past due balance reduced incrementally over a specific number of semesters determined upon review with the Care Team.The application submission does not guarantee acceptance into the MCC Debt Forgiveness Program. The MCC Care Team will review the request and contact the applicant.

To apply for the MCC Debt Forgiveness Program, one must complete and submit the online application. Click here to access the form.

For more information, contact Emily Merten at (231) 777-0511.

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