Faculty & Staff Directory
Sandra BurleyAdjunct Faculty
Foreign Language

Sarah LukerDirector of Admissions

Sarah WoycehoskiAdjunct Faculty
Social Sciences

Scott KendallFaculty
Life Sciences

Life Sciences
Office Location
- Hometown: Muskegon, MI
- Professional Experience: Full time Instructor, Muskegon Community College, Muskegon, MI: 2014 – present; Instructor for Microbiology courses. Research Associate or Technical Call-In, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University, Muskegon, MI: 2003 – present; Perform field/lab-based research, student research training, and education/outreach associated with Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry Lab; Managed the Muskegon Lake buoy-based observatory in Muskegon Lake (www.gvsu.edu/buoy). Adjunct Instructor, Muskegon Community College, Muskegon, MI: 2006 – 2014; Taught microbiology, general biology, anatomy and physiology courses. Adjunct Instructor, Baker College, Biology Dept., Muskegon, MI: 2008; Taught general biology course. Contract Pilot, Atlanta, GA: 2002. Manager/Owner, Northwind Aviation, LLC, Newnan, GA: 1999 – 2002. Sr. Environmental Scientist/Project Manager, Earth Tech, Inc., Atlanta, GA: 1991 – 1999; Provided environmental consulting to commercial/government clients on over 40 projects related to site assessments, regulatory compliance, evaluations of novel microbial and physicochemical remedial technologies, analytical testing, soil and groundwater remediation, POTW & NPDES discharge compliance, emergency response, and transportation/disposal. Research Specialist III/Laboratory Supervisor, Emory University, Dept. of Oral Biology, Atlanta, GA: Dec 1987 – Jan 1991; Performed research on the antimicrobial and physicochemical properties of human secretory proteins with Escherichia coli and Streptococcus mutans.
- Academic Degrees: M.S. Plant Pathology, University of Georgia, B.S. Biology/Chemistry, Central Michigan University, Coursework at Muskegon Community College
- Classes Taught: BIOL 207 Microbiology Lecture (BIOL 207Lec), Microbiology Lab (BIOL-207A)
- I am a Certified Commercial Pilot have flown many kinds of aircraft to many places. I have many hours flying for Angel Flight. Once, I flew into closed airspace in New York after 9/11 to pick up firefighter crews working on the site.
- I love to go wilderness canoeing. The longest trip I have done is 2 weeks in the Canadian wilderness. My honeymoon was, in part, a wilderness canoe trip in northern Quebec.
- I am from Muskegon, but have lived in California for 1 year and in Georgia for 17 years.
- I have a horse farm and own 12 horses and many chickens (except when the coyotes get them)
- I am an avid turkey and deer hunter and hunt with both bows and guns.
- I am married with 3 kids
Sean ColcleasureFaculty
English & Communications

English & Communications
Office Location
- Hometown: Sacramento, CA
- High School: Granada High, Livermore, CA
- Professional Experience: Adjunct Professor of English–Cosumnes River College (California)
Adjunct Professor of English–East Central College (Missouri)
Full-time Instructor of English–John F. Kennedy High School (Missouri)
Associate Professor of English–Heartland Community College (Illinois)
English Faculty–Muskegon Community College (Michigan) - Academic Degrees: BA of English–California State University, Sacramento, MA of English–California State University, Sacramento
- Classes Taught: English 101 and 102
- I am the biggest fan of my wife, two sons (22 and 17) and grandson (2).
- I lived and taught in England for a semester as a guest professor and traveled to six countries while there.
- I love anything outdoors–frisbee golf, hiking, camping, swimming, etc.
- I have been a die-hard St. Louis Cardinals fan since 1981.
- I met my wife on a train.
- My family has always loved Western Michigan, and we are glad we received the opportunity to move here.