Faculty & Staff Directory
Emily ButkevichTutoring Services Manager
Academic Support

Emily BuschLibrarian Technician Assistant and Archivist

Office Location
Erin HoffmanFaculty
Arts & Humanities

Arts & Humanities
Office Hours
Mon, Wed : 9:10 am - 10:10 amMon, Wed : 1:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Tue : 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Thu : 10:00 am - 12:30 pm (virtually)
Office Location
- Hometown: Bettendorf, Iowa
- Professional Experience: 2014: Awards Juror, “West Michigan Student Showcase,”Bette Clark Cannon Gallery, Muskegon, Michigan
2013: Paper Presentation “Wrangling the Curriculum Phantom: Making Something Out of Things,” FATE Conference PostHaus, Savannah Georgia
2012: Awards Juror, “5th Annual Northwest Ohio Community Art Exhibition,” Bowling Green State University Fine Arts Center Galleries, Bowling Green, Ohio
2011: Awards Juror, “Changes of Seasons Exhibition,” White River Gallery and Nuveen Center, Montague, Michigan
2009: “Exploring Issues of American Identity, Artwork by Erin Hoffman,” Artists Lecture, Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, Michigan, and Awards Juror, Lakeland Artists Biannual Exhibition, Grand Haven Community Center, Grand Haven, Michigan
2008-2007: FT Instructor of Art, 2-d design and Beginning Drawing, First Year Program, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
2007: Adjunct Professor, Beginning Intaglio, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia - Academic Degrees: BFA-University of Northern Iowa, MFA-University of Georgia,
- Classes Taught: 2-d Form and Surface, Painting 1 and 2, Drawing, Drawing For Graphic Design, Figure Drawing, Art Appreciation, Contemporary Art History, Professional Practices in Art
- Travelled Internationally to Canada, Mexico, Germany, Switzerland, Belize, Guatemala, Italy, India
- Regularly exhibit artwork nationally
- Make artwork in home printmaking studio
- Like to garden
Ernest PetrusAdjunct Faculty

Eva PetersonHRIS/Payroll Manager
Human Resources
Evin Rodkey, Ph.D.Faculty
Social Sciences

Social Sciences
Office Hours
Tue, Thu : 12:00 pm - 2:30 pmOffice Location
- Professional Experience: Evin came to MCC in 2018 after three years at Casper College in central Wyoming, which followed earning a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Illinois at Chicago and teaching widely as an adjunct instructor at a variety of institutions in Chicago. For his dissertation work Evin conducted research in the Dominican Republic with people deported there from the U.S., examining their survival strategies and transnational connections with the U.S. economy. Evin got his start in anthropology after a number of travel experiences and living in Madison, Wisconsin, where he worked as a coordinator of services for adults with developmental disabilities and first took classes in the subject part-time. This was a few years after earning a B.A. in Psychology from Indiana University, in the state where he was born, living in Los Angeles where he worked as an Assistant Director in an educational center for children, and living temporarily in Seoul, South Korea working as an English teacher. Evin is a former President of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges, has published on his research, presented publicly on a wide variety of topics, and has led student trips both in the U.S. and to Belize. What he values most about his job is working directly with students in areas of examining cultural perspective and humanity’s place in nature, engaging with material intellectually yet practically, and helping students with skills in writing and clear and accurate expression.
- Academic Degrees: Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago, M.A. Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago, B.A. Psychology, Indiana University
- Classes Taught: ANTH 103 – Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Society, ANTH 105D – Introduction to Physical Anthropology/Archaeology, ANTH 110 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Financial Services
Fluarry Jackson