Faculty & Staff Directory
Lana CarsonAdjunct Faculty
Health & Physical Education & Recreation

Health & Physical Education & Recreation
Office Location
Health and Wellness Center Room 126MY BACKGROUND
- Hometown: Muskegon, MI
- High School: Mona Shores High School
- Professional Experience: 25 years professional experience. Owner/ operator of a multipurpose fitness facility
- Academic Degrees: B.S. Exercise Science / University of West Florida
- Classes Taught: PEA101A – Fitness, Wellness & Nutrition, PEA104A – Walking, Jogging & Conditioning, PEA201 – Aerobic Movement for Fitness
- Dog lover. I have three dogs
- My role models Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa. I connect with the constant hardships and perseverance of Abraham Lincoln. His insight, compassion and leadership for a better world. Mother Theresa servant leadership, love and compassion for every person.
- I have lived in Florida, Chicago and the Washington state but i am a true Michigander and I love our beautiful state!
- I am an avid outdoors person, marathon runner and endurance sports junkie
- I LOVE teaching at MCC because I love the school and the students! I thoroughly enjoy my subject and the connection and response from the students has been wonderful. They connect and engage and I know it is impacting their lives in a positive manner. No matter what profession they are pursuing, nothing is more important than their health and wellbeing.
- Favorite quote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world”