Online Orientation Assessment

Online Orientation Assessment

A passing score on the following assessment completes online orientation requirements.

MCC Email Address(Required)
Every student needs to take the Compass Placement Test.
Can someone outside of the college access your records once you have become a college student without your permission?
Do you always have to have an appointment before you can take a test in the Test Center?
Where can a student go to get help with writing a paper?
When do you know you have been awarded Financial Aid?
Do you have to fill out a FAFSA every year that you wish to be considered for Financial Aid?
When do you need to sign up for the FACTS payment plan?
How often do you have to sign up for the FACTS payment plan if you are in need of a payment plan?
How do you log in to Blackboard?
Does every instructor/class use Blackboard?
What is Blackboard used for?
How are faculty and staff going to get ahold of you if they need to contact you?
What is WebAdvisor used for?
If you forget your password to log into your MyMCC what should you do?
What can the Counselors help students with?
What is the purpose of Developmental Education courses?
College Success Seminar is designed to?
What are the buying options you have when purchasing your textbooks?
Can you find the books you need for your registered classes, or order your textbooks online using your MyMCC Portal?
Can you use Financial Aid to purchase textbooks and supplies at the Bookstores?
What items do you need, when purchasing textbooks at the MCC Bookstore?
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