
Admissions Office
Admissions Office
Phone: (231) 777-0366
Office Hours:
Mon: 8:30am – 6:30pm
Tue-Thu: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Fri: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Trefny Chelesvig
Faculty – Counselor - Business & Information Technology
Phone: 231-777-0362
Office Hours:
Mon: 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Tue, Thu: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wed: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (virtually)
Program Questions
Irene Church
Faculty - Department Chair
Phone: 231-777-0605
Office Hours:
Mon, Wed: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Business today is global. Local companies are now working with foreign suppliers and customers, or have subsidiaries and partners in Asia, South America, or Europe. How do you obtain, coordinate, and measure success of all of the people and resources it takes to do business around the world? This is the role of management, and it is changing. Future management candidates will need the cultural awareness, leadership and motivational techniques, and adaptability many current managers do not possess. MCC’s management degree prepares you for this dynamic environment.