Strategic Initiatives
Office of Strategic Initiatives
The Office of Strategic Initiatives manages strategic planning and implementation activities and other strategic initiatives. This includes coordinating attainment of institutional goals, completing related research projects, producing reports, and keeping stakeholders informed and engaged. Strategic planning and implementation efforts are guided by the MCC Integrated Planning Charter.
Our Mission Statement:
Muskegon Community College, dedicated to excellence, prepares students, builds communities, and improves lives.
Our Vision:
An educated, thriving community.
Access Goals:
(1) Raise awareness of MCC
(2) Meet enrollment goals while expanding opportunities for all students
(3) Expand community engagement
Equal Opportunity Goals:
(4) Create a culture of understanding and respect
(5) Enhance each student’s experience
Excellence Goals:
(6) Improve outcomes for all students
(7) Improve institutional effectiveness
(8) Provide exceptional environments for effective teaching and learning
(9) Increase transfer and career success of graduates.
Please contact our office to learn more about strategic planning at MCC:
Tina Dee
Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives
Phone: 231-777-0660